Sunday, March 4, 2012

Post tornados

Saturday was a rainy day - a little thunder but that was it  for the tornados. Ended up at the movies and "The Artist" - can't say I'd recommend it unless you're into avant guarde as it's silent and black and white.
Made the first casts  Sunday AM and with no perspective, they don't seem to go very far. The after affects of the tornado storm left us with clear skies and off shore winds. Water temps dropped 4 degrees (thanks Greg for the offshore wind affect).  Have learned a bit about the short bar - it's really wide and so wading will be the rule. No fish but had 3 dolphin swim by about 300 yards off shore - they certainly weren't hunting..
Bikes get taken out of the van today - afternoon ride seems to be in the plans. Still have to have something to do all the time.
Condo and area continues to amaze - it's a mystery why we haven't discovered it before. Already talking about next year.
Look closely and you can see an oil rig
First day for lifeguards and Bob has to talk
OMG It was that big!

1 comment:

  1. Had to pop over and see how you guys fared with the tornado weather. Glad to see it didn't affect you. Love you both.
